Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If this is the Bible Belt, then why can't so many Politicians see right from wrong?

I was wondering this myself, after I saw the documentary on John Edwards.

You know it's funny, I always thought he was a bit of a shady character, I cannot even remember why now... when he WAS in public office, but I do remember that when he started to run for President, I was warning people to NOT vote for him!

Hmmm.. and that was WAY before the scandal broke about his fathering a child out of wedlock with his mistress and video producer!

Then they had on the news that his wife, had filed a police report of robbery against him back in 2008! That he'd taken her wallet containing $320, 4 credit cards and her cell phone! Wow! She said she didn't want to press charges cuz she was afraid of physical harm!

Geez! I Do hope she's doing better medically and is contemplating filing for divorce! Poor lady! And she's got young kids too.... less than 8 years old.... so they were only about 4 years old or so when he was stepping out on her with his mistress!

What's WILD is the fact that the damn guy would INSIST that his helper, Andrews, had to keep the mistress at HIS own home, not John Edwards! And at one point, for months, they were not even allowed to have their own 3 KIDS with them!

How horrific is this guy's morals anyway??? My god, in heaven, I'm just glad he never got to be President. .He sounds like a 1st class liar to me!
Which brings up some OTHER local politicians in the North Carolina political scene..... Sheriff Medford being one of them.... who's now in jail for life, thankfully on charges, which, to me, were just the tip of the iceberg in injustices he's committed in the community in which he was supposed to be serving......

Charles Taylor, another crocked politician, though he had more money than brains... That whole Blue Ridge Banking scandal.. I'm sure he was involved in some way, but somehow he managed to NOT be taken to jail like many of his colleagues! Then wasn't the sheriff or mayor or something in Brevard just been charged with making threats against his own girlfriend?

All this just brings to mind something that really bothers me to the quick! The lack of compassion or caring about someone else's feelings or deliberately doing stuff that you KNOW would hurt others!

We can quibble about the poor polar bears in the Artic until we are blue in the face, but somehow to have any feelings toward our fellow man, is just TOO hard to handle for many people~
Sadly, it applies to MANY people in the political arena! Many of them! I think of Dailey of Chicago and all the horrendous ways the citizens of Chicago were treated and it horrifies me! Go google him sometime, you'll be shocked too. That was probably why the Chicago Seven developed..... because they were so abused at the hands of the local politicians. They did a lot of scary things themselves, but lots of times, a dog that is continually beaten will turn out to become a vicious dog.. The same with humans unfortunately.

Now... I see that former Governor Easley is getting into lots of trouble and that's A GOOD THING! He's as crooked as a dog's hind leg! Never ever should have been governor, and I've heard that Gov Purdue was his helper big time.. which bothers me!

Yeah. that kinda figures, when she's telling the entire state to STAY HOME! Lady, in this economy which sucks big time, telling people to stay home when they need to get to work to pay their heating bills, their christmas debts and their taxes, is just lame!

Yeah, and if she's accepted the stimulus bill money, which I believe she did, then WHY don't we have the funding to get our roads cleared in 24 hours???
What are you doing with our money anyway? I'm just disgusted with the way local politicians think they can get away with whatever wicked scheme they want to!

I've NEVER seen so much corruption in one state as I've have in the state of North Carolina! Never! It's a shame too, cuz this state has so much to offer. They have so many natural resources that are god given, but they don't use it to the good. No! They use it for their OWN betterment, not the people of the state!

I hate the way they are ripping apart the Appalachians mountains just to attract the rich developers! The developers couldn't give a fiddler's fart about this area, or the ecology of the region. Nope.. it's ALL bout their profit!

I'm thinking of some really beautiful areas in this state and how instead of making it a place people would enjoy for generations to come, they just ruin it!
Ever go to the Toyota dealership across from the Farmer's Market? Go look out at the views it offers from the car lot!

Why, in heaven's name, couldn't they make that area a park, or even an apartment building, where the tenants could even the gorgeous mountains views.

Nope, instead they got 2,000 CARS enjoying the mountain views! Rotflol... only it's not funny, it's sad!

We could easily have a great film industry in the WNC area, only they don't want that either! Why??? This place once had some of the best views and locales for films in the whole southeast, but they are rapidly destroying that too!

I just shake my head at the foolish ways of mainlanders here..... it's incredible! We got the city council instead flirting and enticing all these rich/corrupt developers to come here and destroy the nature beauty of the mountains......

If we have SO many rich people coming here, then WHY don't we have money for good roads, decent schools, profitable businesses where people can make a living wage?

Well, I'll get off my soapbox here.. I'm starting to feel a bit like Matt Mitan.. but honestly.... this WHOLE state needs a thorough housecleaning when it comes to its politicians...

I hope that Cecil Bothwell can bring some common sense to the office he was appointed to. God knows, this area needs that!

I really kind of miss Gov. Hunt. I think this state was heading in the right direction when he was in power. We've not had a good governor here in years unfortunately. He did get elected twice... not in a row, but different spans of time.

I wish they had elected John McCain to office. I think he's got alot of common sense myself.... Yeah, so what he's a big hard-headed at time.. You'd probably insane not merely hard-headed if you yourself had spent 5 years in a POW camp!\

Well, time will tell..... I'm not happy either that Obama has decided to cut the space program! That's messed up! That was the one positive thing our country was doing! :(

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